Sunday, 3 August 2014

One Direction Make Midnight Memories in Toronto

So, if any of y’all are like us here at Studio 416, then you probably went to One Direction, for one both of their Toronto dates of their Where We Are tour this weekend. And even if you didn’t get the chance to make it out to one of their shows, you’d be hard pressed to go anywhere in Toronto these past few days without getting hit by a little dose of One Direction-mania. 

Liam thanks fans as Harry takes a water break/ makes a monkey face

Those who went out to show their support to their favourite Brits Louis, Liam, Harry, Zayn and Niall (the favourite Irishman), whether as first time concert-goers or seasoned One Direction experts, were met with a group of boys who obviously truly appreciate the dedication and support of their fans. 

While fan appreciation was definitely a common theme during both of the Toronto nights (in fact Harry almost joined the audience himself at one point, as he leaned forward to read a fan-made sign and nearly tumbled right off the stage); other concert highlights included fireworks, stadium selfies, and a rendition of “Happy Birthday” that left one appreciative fan in a state of emotional turmoil that can best be described as the greatest or “worst” as Harry called it teasingly, birthday ever.
Harry takes a moment to gather himself after nearly falling off the platform

Overall, the boys put on a great few nights in Toronto and I think we speak here on behalf of all their fans when we say were ready for One Direction to come back very soon.

- Studio 416

What did you guys think of the Where We Are Tour? Sound off in the comments below and let us know what you thought!

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